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Chapter 4. Navigation Bar Elements

The navigation bar does not change when you browse the platform. Some elements may not appear, depending on the organization properties. In the following chapter we are focusing on VPN only organizations.

Main menu

The main menu opens from the left upper corner of the navigation bar. Click on the cross icon on the left corner of the menu to close it.



In the following, any entries of the main menu will be referred as section.

The menu lists Corvina main sections:

  • Home: Devices > VPN.
  • Devices: manage devices and VPN connections.
  • IAM: handle identity and access management.
  • Audit: log relevant actions in the platform.

Some of the sections may not appear on the main menu depending on what is available to the organization/user.



The resources part of the navigation bar shows availability of resources. The number of remaining VPN months is always displayed next to icon [ Screenshot 2024-06-17 134528-1 ]. In the picture below there are 9 VPN months remaining for the organization.

To expand the view and show all resources, click [ ]: resources consumed over resources available are displayed.

In particular, from top to bottom:

  • [ Screenshot 2024-06-17 134554-1 ]: number of organizations defined starting from the organization itself and including all descendant sub-organizations, plus the number of organizations already granted to sub-organizations w.r.t. the number of organizations available.
  • [ Screenshot 2024-06-17 134614-2 ]:same as above for users.
  • [ Screenshot 2024-06-17 134925 ]:same as above for devices.
  • [ Screenshot 2024-06-17 135312 ]:same as above for VPN months.

When you hover the mouse over one of the entries, details of the resource used are displayed.



The active organization is displayed in the navigation bar. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of the organization icon to access the organization/sub-organization selection. The list of sub-organizations available according to the roles of the user will be displayed.

Selecting an organization will update the platform to show Corvina from the perspective of a user who is a member of that organization; therefore, the content of pages refers now to the selected sub-organization.


User Configuration Menu

The user logged in the platform is displayed in the navigation bar. By clicking the down arrow, the user menu displays the following entries:

  • Profile: set the user parameters such as the password.
  • Settings: open a side panel for customizing the theme of the platform.
  • Logout: : securely disconnect the user from the current session. In any case, for security reasons, you are logged out after 30 min of inactivity or when all corvina tabs in the browser are closed.

NOTE: Settings may not be available. Refer to your platform admin for more information.



In the Profile section:

  • Account: define the email account for notifications and password reset, first name, and last name.
  • Password: change your password.
  • Authenticator: you can enable multi-factor authentication or set the one-time code for the login.
  • Sessions: displays all the sessions active. From here, you can logout from all sessions.




The language menu let you select a preferred language among those available in the platform. Once the desired entry is selected, the web page automatically refreshes in the new language.


Chapter 5: Breadcrumb and Tab Bar Elements >

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