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How to move devices between organizations

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the step-by-step process of transferring a device between Corvina organizations.


  • IoT data will not be preserved.
  • You can do that only between organizations that share the same root organization.


Here are the steps to follow to move a device to another Corvina organization:

  1. go to the destination organization, in the “IAM > organizations” page and click the action button “Generate import token“.4-1
  2. go to the source organization, in which you have the device to move from, on the page “Devices > Manage” and click the action button “Move device“.5-1
  3. On the “move device” menù paste the import token generated with the first step, and proceed to move the device.image-20240314-140529

NB:  The Token will expire after 10 minutes.

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