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Devices cannot connect to Corvina VPN

If you're experiencing difficulties connecting your devices to the Corvina VPN, follow the troubleshooting steps below to identify and resolve common issues.

Preliminary Checks:

  • Ensure Necessary Ports Are Open: Verify that the following ports are open on your network: 1194/UDP and 443/TCP. These ports are crucial for establishing a VPN connection.
  • Power Cycle the Device: Sometimes, simply restarting your device can resolve connectivity issues. Turn off your device, wait a few moments, then turn it back on.


Common Connectivity Issues and Solutions:

Error Checklist
VPN Client Failure Perform a power cycle of the device to refresh its network connections.
Server unreachable

Ensure your credentials are entered correctly.

Verify network DNS settings and overall internet connectivity.

Failed veryfing Server - Check CA certificate

Confirm that the device's date and time settings are correct.

Review the firewall configuration to ensure it's not blocking the VPN connection. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Content not found Verify the server address is correct. If necessary, re-enter the server address explicitly to ensure accuracy.
Server Authentication Failure: please check credentials Double-check that your VPN credentials are accurate. Credential errors are a common cause of authentication failures.
Activation Code Not Registered Ensure the activation key you're using is correct and has been properly registered.
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