Corvina Support Hub

Parametric datalinks: Smart way to visualize a meter in a dashboard

Written by CORVINA Team | May 31, 2024 10:35:10 AM

In corvina you can parametrize the datalinks with variables in a dashboard to associate the device models or tags.

This is an example of single dashboard to show one meter but which attached two or more datalink parameters to shows more than one tag.


Device model in the slot of the dashboard:

Our device has more than one model and each model has more tags.

Variables in the dashboard:

We’ve added the “meter” and “signal” variables to use them as parametric index.

How to select different tags/model:

We've created a new variable “List meters” used to select the the meters in the dashboard with a drop down list widget (Variables input widget).

Otherwise it’s possible to set the variables with a button event, and for instance you can use a “load dashboard” to open another dashboard with this variables settled.


How to select parametric datalink in a gauge card:

Here an example to use the variables in the value of a gauge card widget, where “meters:vars” is the value taken by the meter variable. So if this variable takes “meter1” or “meter2” or “meter3” with this value you can see the 3 different model. Is also possible to use drag and drop to add the variable into value field of the widget, to avoid error on the name.


Then if you need to see and select also the tag name you can add the “signal:vars” in the value field.

The same thing can be used also for other widgets, such as Trend Chart: