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Chapter 2: VPN Components

Written by CORVINA Team | Jun 14, 2024 11:04:00 AM

In this chapter, you will discover the primary components of the VPN. We recommend bookmarking this page during your review of the Quick Start Guide, as it provides essential definitions that will aid your understanding and learning.

Corvina Cloud App

The Corvina Cloud App Lite is a desktop application that makes it possible to access devices through native applications (e.g., JMobile Studio or PLC programming software) and to use the remote devices through virtual IP addresses as if they were connected to the local network. The application can be downloaded, installed, and launched directly through the Corvina platform web portal.


Any hardware connected to the Corvina platform is considered a device. All devices can be considered either a gateway or an endpoint.


A gateway is the device through which the connection to the Corvina platform is established. The gateway enables a connection to other devices by creating a virtual network and providing them with a unique IP address. This network can be expanded, if necessary. The devices that the gateway enables access to are called endpoints.


An endpoint can be any kind of equipment that can connect via a network, for example HMI, PLC, etc. Each endpoint can only be connected to one gateway and receives a unique IP address (called virtual IP in the architecture). The endpoint’s virtual IP address may change in order to accommodate the network (for example after the addition of new endpoints). The Corvina platform infrastructure also includes user and application management that allow the settings of suitable access policies to the endpoints.

Access policies determine which user can access an endpoint and which applications can be used on an endpoint.

VPN Applications

An application in Corvina platform enable a third party application to access a gateway or device. A VPN application in Corvina determines which software application and which protocol are needed to connect. Different types of applications are suitable for different devices, depending on whether it is a gateway or an endpoint and the type of endpoint, since the device can be accessed in different ways (SSH, VNC, HTTP, etc). Any number of applications can be added to an application profile. Each gateway or endpoint must have one application profile attached which defines all applications available to that device.


Corvina platform resources are usable or consumable items that an organization can use or consume. These include:

  • Organizations and sub-organizations.
  • Users.
  • Devices.
  • VPN Months: A credit for one month of unlimited VPN access for one gateway device.

Resources are generated by the top domain or PaaS. The PaaS can then grant access to some of these resources to its sub-organizations either in the form of licenses or as shared resources.


Read Next Chapter: Accessing Corvina Platform >